Web maintenance


Per Hour Rate (during office hours):R380.00 excl. VAT
Billable IncrementsHourly
First Time Changes to a Website (Min no. of hrs):2 Hours
Turn around Time1st come, 1st served
*Hourly rate is for office hours only
*All prices are subject to change without notice.
Bronze SilverGold
Monthly Fee: (exVAT)R 350 R 550R 1,470R 6 750
Total Hrs:1 2730
Per Hour Rate:R 380R 325R 250R235
Billable Increments:30 min 30 min15 min15 min
Updates are processed within:24 hrs 18 hrs8 hrs3 hrs
Max No. of Hours that Carry Over:0 hrs 0 hrs2 hrs3 hrs
Annual / Biannual Payment Discount:
Biannual / Annual Payment - Flexi Hours: *
Monthly Usage Reports:

Please Note: The following pricing structure only applies to websites that Global Wave Internet Marketing has designed.