Services List


Website Design & Development

A fresh, ergonomically designed website allows for quick and efficient disassembly of information to potential and existing cliental. Website design should accurately represent your business brand online and keep clients interested.  Overall, a simple, uncluttered and easy to navigate website works the best, every time!

Responsive Website Development

Responsive Website Design has become a fundamental tool for anyone with an online presence. With the growth of smartphones, tablets and other mobile computing devices a web design approach whereby the design ‘responds to’ or resizes depending on the type of device is essential. The design approach is aimed at crafting sites for optimal viewing that allows easy reading and navigation with minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling across a wide range of devices.

WordPress Websites

WordPress offers an excellent platform for developing a variety of websites. WordPress is used to power small business websites, blogs, large university websites, portfolios, real estate property listing site, internal communication system for companies, web directories, movie databases, application infrastructure base, arcade sites, and basically anything else you can think of.

WordPress is the largest, easiest and most powerful open source content management system (CMS) in existence today, meaning most developers will be able to work on your site.

The content management system (CMS) application facilitates the management of web content, allowing multiple users with different permission levels to create, edit and publish digital content.

A Movie in the Park:
Kung Fu Panda